Internet Business, Ideas, Innovation & Creativity

Know What Your Consumers are Doing Online Pt 2

Posted by: In: Get Rich Click 09 Aug 2011 Comments: 0

The Internet is a successful marketplace because of its ability to measure everything from advertising to consumer behavior. Prior to the Internet, information about what your consumer thought and how they acted was largely unattainable outside of the bottom line. In the past, every new advertising campaign and product introduction was a roll of the dice. In contrast, the Internet is an accountable world where upgrades are easily implemented and tested using tracking tools. Best yet, most consumer tracking tools are free or inexpensive. Start using these tools and you can constantly measure your customer’s behavior and improve your online profitability.

Solicit Feedback from Customers

Customer feedback is easily and cheaply implemented online. Sometimes something simple is killing your conversion rates and sales. Heat Map tracking combined with customer feedback can uncover a major flaw in the conversion chain. Feedback tools you can use include: SurveyMonkey, UserVoice and GetSatisfaction.

Prioritize Problems to get the Best ROI

A/B multivariate testing is a fancy name for making two pages and testing them against each other. The best way to get the most out of A/B testing is to identify a few big problems and then test a limited number of variations using Google’s website optimizer. Concentrate on solving the biggest problems. Increasing conversion rates by just 3% translates into real value overtime.

Using the tools mentioned above will give you the edge over most websites. Remember persistence and hard work are the basis of every successful business. On the Internet these tools just make all that work a lot more fun!

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